Words For Life Ministries​ Christian Center​

Welcome to
Words For Life Ministries Christian Center!
Welcome to
Words For Life Ministries Christian Center!
Words For Life Ministries Christian Center (WFLMCC) is committed to serving God and the spiritual needs of you and your family. Using universal principles of leadership and spirituality, we offer practical lessons for leading a joyous, abundant and peaceful life. Wherever you may be on your spiritual path, at Words For Life Ministries Christian Center, you will find a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

We aspire to strengthen each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ - in all four corners of their life (e.g., home, church, community and work) and encourage personal and spiritual growth through prayer, worship, bible study, the preached word and active service unto the Lord. We invite you to seek a deeper relationship in Christ Jesus - allowing Him not just into your heart but also in your life through study of the word of God and participation in our various programs and community outreach efforts. We desire to offer words of faith; 'words for life' that will encourage and inspire you to seek out more of what God has for you to do.
Our Location:
Our Location:
Join Us Every Sunday at 10:00AM
13 Lakeside Lane, Sewell, NJ 08080,
Contact: (856)881-3428​
or Email: ChurchAdministrator@wordsforyourlife.org

We recognize that many are in places in their lives where they don't feel like they are getting closer to God. We offer this website as a way for you to get connected and learn more about yourself and the words of God that are for you, which are true 'words for your life'. Thank you for visiting us, and please come back as often as you can to see what new words we have for you.
[If you would like, click here to sign the Guest Book and leave words of encouragement from your life.]
Public Notice: New Information has been published u​nder Lifeline Coaching Ministry.
Public Notice: New Information has been published u​nder Lifeline Coaching Ministry.